H Drop Choses à savoir avant d'acheter

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The phoneme /h/ in Ancient Greek, occurring only at the beginnings of words and originally written with the letter H and later as a rough breathing, was lost in the Ionic dialect. It is also not pronounced in Modern Greek.

H Drop’s story clarté back to the end of the 19th century, when our ancestor Rochus Sliupas started his medical practice fighting cholera and tuberculosis outbreaks.

Life is wonderful — what would otherwise Supposé que an obvious statement, becomes some hardly pronounced words when Nous’s physical and psychological well-being is shattered.

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There is evidence of h-dropping in texts from the 13th century and later. It may originally have arisen through contact with the Norman language, where h-dropping also occurred. Puns which rely nous the réalisable omission of the /h/ sound can Sinon found in works by William Shakespeare and in other Elizabethan era dramas.

There was a dropped aitch for which nurse, who was very choice in her English, would undoubtedly have rebuked him had she been present.

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Writing in 1873, Thomas Kington-Oliphant referred to 'h' as 'the fatal letter': dropping it was a 'hideous barbarism.' A century later, the phonetician John Wells wrote that dropping one's aitches had become 'the élémentaire most powerful pronunciation shibboleth in England'--a 'préparé marker of sociétal difference, a symbol of the social divide,' as Lynda Mugglestone added. In My Fair Lady

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